Hail. Are the developers (or anyone) of Mutt planing to add more POP3 support 
into the MUA? IWBNI you could set more than one account in your ~/.muttrc, 
and more useful, have a way to automatically check for new mail in the
remote server using a defined interval time, when you're in the main window 
and your link is up. Don't tell me to use Fetchmail or any other mail
retrieval tool. I'm happy pressing G since I only have one account fetching 
all my messages. Just two suggestions. I don't know if the majority of the 
Mutt users prefer to use Fetchmail+Procmail, but I think the answer is yes.

Frederic L. W. Meunier = Niteroi, RJ - Brazil = Tel: +55-21-620-7173
Contact: fredlwm@{olympiquedemarseille.org,urbi.com.br} = IRC: _19751127
[root@marseille /tmp]# f{l,r}ames;java*;HTMaiL;SPAM > /dev/null
(All text before "-- " isn't my opinion nor my employer's)

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