
first of all, please adhere to that 70 characters/line limit mail
usually uses. I've take the freedom to reformat your mail.

On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 12:44:38PM +0200, Peter Poeml wrote:
> Hi folks, 
> I am successfully using mutt on AIX, with a strange problem though. 
> In intervals of exactly 5 seconds, mutt reports a "Key is not
> bound"-error, as if I was pressing invalid keys but I am not.
> Annoyingly this is accompanied by a 'beep' every time! 
> When I am supposed to enter text like the name of a mailbox to change
> to, I can even see characters appear every 5 seconds, namely a colored
> quotation mark like this: "  

If I remember this correctly, this is a bug in the curses lib you're
using. Try "set timeout=0" in your muttrc.

> Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? I greatly appreciate any help! 

Installing a newer ncurses or slang lib, and linking mutt against this
should help.


P.S.: Mailinglist address corrected
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