(note: this is entirely a procmail question, and you may well have gotten more
 helpful responses on the procmail list).

Sounds like you have a good procmail+maildir package.

If it's still delivering into /var/spool/mail/$USER, then I suspect it is
refusing to read your .procmailrc. Here's what I'd recommend: in order,
perform the following; as often as you like, try re-testing and see if things
have started working.

        1. chmod g-w $HOME

        2. touch $HOME/.procmail-log
           add to the top of $HOME/.procmailrc:


           so you can see what it's doing. See that procmail is at least being
           invoked and reading your .procmailrc. If not get more aggressive
           with perms:

                chmod 700 $HOME
                chmod 600 $HOME/.procmailrc

        3. Make sure procmail is really being asked to route your primary
           incoming email into $HOME/Maildir; the following steps cover that
           well; first, create the Maildir (procmail patches do not create
           Maildirs, only deliver to already-existing ones):

                (umask 077;mkdir -p $HOME/Maildir/{tmp,new,cur})

           then add to the end of $HOME/.procmailrc the final recipe:


           Note --- procmail+patches works way better if you _end_ your
           procmailrc with that catch-all recipe, rather than using the
           aesthetically more pleasing define at the top for DEFAULT; at least
           with procmail maildir patches, it tries to lock $DEFAULT even if
           it's a maildir. Hopefully when the next major release of procmail
           comes out, which includes Maildir support, that problem will be
           solved. In the mean time if you just end with a normal recipe it
           won't try to lock the maildir.

        4. If you still aren't getting messages defaulting to $HOME/Maildir,
           you will want to make sure procmail is actually being invoked.
           Check the permissions and contents of the .forward or .qmail or
           whatever file you are using to try and get it invoked. If it's
           still not working, I don't know what to do for you.

        5. Make sure your MUA is reading the right inbox; the environment
           variable MAIL should be set to $HOME/Maildir.

        6. Add filtering for your other mailing lists and whatnot; again, for
           procmail+maildir patches, make sure the maildirs exist before you
           set up the filtering; then add procmail rules as usual, making sure
           your specification for the folders ends with a trailing slash.

        7. Once you get things stable, comment out the VERBOSE line; it fills
           that logfile way too fast. Consider setting up a logfile-rotating
           cron job so the file doesn't grow without bounds.


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