Java for a little random sig thing!  Wow talk about over kill!  Try this...

        typeset afile
        set -A allsigs `cd ~/sigs;ls -a sig*`

        (( afile = $RANDOM % ${#allsigs[*]} ))
        cat ~/sigs/${allsigs[$afile]}

Just make a directory called sigs in your home directory, put all your sigs in 
there and set the above script as your .signature 

Thus spoke erik on (Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 11:17:34PM)

> Hi,
> I ran across this java program called jSig on Freshmeat.  I would like
> to use it to randomly put another signature in my emails.  I went to
> the download page - http://www.vaporwarepublishing/software/jSig/ -
> and I downloaded it.  it comes with a README file, but maybe its me,
> but how do I install this program?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -e
> -- 
>         "Can I pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson?"
>         "A little early isn't it, Woody?"
>         "For a beer?"
>         "No, for stupid questions."
>            --A scene from the hit show "Cheers"

"Better to be silent and thought a fool then to open ones's mouth 
and remove all doubt"

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