At 11:43 PM EDT on August  4 Azeem Shahjahan Jiva sent off:
> Java for a little random sig thing!  Wow talk about over kill!  Try this...

I think what he was looking for was this:

set signature="program|"

i.e. if your sig comes from a program instead of a file, let mutt know
by putting a pipe sign "|" at the end.

There are all kinds of sig pickers, many of which are listed at which also has an emacs mode
which comes in handy when the random sig picker comes up with one
you'd rather it hadn't.  I still have to update that page to mention seems incredibly powerful, but I have no need for it myself.

Questions are a burden for others,
answers a prison for oneself.        - from The Prisoner.
Robert I. Reid             PGP Key:

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