> > Caveat: This may be in the FAQ/Manual and I overlooked it.
> > 
> > Situation: A particular mailing list sets a Reply-To: of the list address,
> > so that replies are pointed back to the list.  If I set reply_to=ask-yes,
> > then I can either reply to the list, or to the sender at my discretion.
> > However, 99% of the time I'd like to reply to the list, and so having
> > the prompt each time is (mildly) annoying.
> > 
> > Question: Is there a "reply-to-sender" (un)bound command I can use to
> > force mutt to ignore the reply-to if I set reply_to=yes?
>  If you tell mutt which mailing lists you reveive mail from (see
>  ``lists'' command), you can use the list-reply function, which
>  is bound to L bei default.

True, however, since procmail filters my mail into mailboxes per list,
having a mailbox full of "To 'mutt-users'" rather than a list of the
folks sending the messages isn't helpful, it's redundant.  Also, I'm
looking for a way to reply to the sender, not the list; list-reply
has nothing to do with that.

As a note, I tried putting the lists line in my .muttrc, and then
both 'r' (reply, which used the Reply-To: header) and 'L' (which 
replied to the list) did precisely the same thing.  Neither of which
is what I'm looking for.

I think I'm seeking a feature that doesn't exist.  But perhaps someone
on the development side wants to hack it in to a future version?

- Forrest

                                                  Forrest Carpenter
  "And remember kids: place firecracker in        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     open area.  Light fuse.  Run away."          http://spite.com/

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