I'm using mutt 0.95.7 with pgp 6.51 (but the problem also
appeared with pgp 2.6.3).
When I try to sing and/or encrypt a message mutt just wait
forever for pgp to finish. My /tmp fills slowly until it's full.
This is what I've found with ps:

fastjack  1978  0.0  0.6  1692  780 ttyp3    S    22:25   0:00 sh
-c PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat - '/tmp/mutt-nexus-1972-4'
| 'yes' +language=en +pubring='/home/fastjack/.pgp/pubring.pgp'
+secring='/home/fastjack/.pgp/secring.pgp' +verbose=0
+encrypttoself +batchmode -aefts -u 0x757AA05D 0x306BA1EA73C97219
fastjack  1980 14.6  0.2  1080  368 ttyp3    R    22:25   0:14
yes +language=en +pubring=/home/fastjack/.pgp/pubring.pgp
+secring=/home/fastjack/.pgp/secring.pgp +verbose=0
+encrypttoself +batchmode -aefts -u 0x757AA05D 0x306BA1EA73C97219

The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be
done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
                -- E. Hubbard

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