Martin Maciaszek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First is /tmp/mutt-nexus-29263-0 which is the message itself
> without the headers.
> Second is /tmp/mutt-nexus-29263-2 which consists onyl of the
> following lines:
> +language=en +pubring=/home/fastjack/.pgp/pubring.pgp
> +secring=/home/fastjack/.p gp/secring.pgp +verbose=0
>  +encrypttoself +batchmode -aefts -u 0x757AA05D 0xB82BCB829FBCC2DD
> This file grows until I kill the signing process or my /tmp is full.

That is a contradiction.  If your second file contains only those lines,
then how can it grow to fill available space?  It must contain something

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
UX WTEC Engineer |    PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

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