Gee, and you call mutt configurable? :) :)  *chuckle*  Just kidding, but
one question...

Seriously...there's one thing that I -can't- seem to find to reconfigure,
ant that's the "------ Forwarded message by" ...or however it reads, when you
forward a message.

You can change the Subject header's behaviour when forwarding, but I don't
see anywhere to change that particular line in the actual email.  I note
it's statically compiled into the kernel...but thought there might be
another way to change it from .muttrc besides recompiling a version for
everyone... :)

Is there a hidden/undocumented feature for this, or will it be added later?
0.95.7i here.  I don't tend to move to "pre" versions, if linux kernels are
any indication.  :) :)  Not for a long time now, anyway.  So I don't have
1.0-pre-1 or whatnot yet, and won't unless this is in it.  :) *grin*

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