Thomas Shay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've recently switched to using a Cyrus IMAP server for mail, and can't
> figure out how to specify the path to mail folders on the server. With
> pine, the format seems to be {imapserver}INBOX.[] (this points at what
> pine calls a "folder collection) and with netscape the format seems to
> be {imapserver}INBOX. but neither of these seems to work with mutt
> (1.0-pre1, RH linux 6.0, kernel 2.2.5-22). I can get my mail fine with
> set spoolfile="{imapserver}INBOX" in my .muttrc, but can't seem to get
> to any of my mail "folders" The mutt documentation suggests:
> "If you want to access another mail folder at the IMAP server, you
> should use {imapserver}path/to/folder where path/to/folder is the path
> of the folder you want to access relative to your home directory."
> But on an IMAP server the mail boxes don't live in one's home directory.
> Am I attempting to do something that mutt can not yet do? Perhaps mutt
> doesn't know about what pine calls a "folder collection?" I know the
> documentation suggests using fetchmail for IMAP, but that only solves
> the problem of reading incoming mail, not also saving messages to other
> folders on the server.

well, I think mutt-1.0pre1 (and probably 1.0 when it's released), doesn't
handle setting the folder variable to an IMAP directory (you might get a
stat error or something - I'll try it this weekend). The development version
(0.96.5) has much fuller IMAP support (like being able to set $folder,
folder browsing and tab-completion), but of course it's a development
version, so it's a lot less tested.

But, I used to do this in 0.95.x: you can set your mailboxes like

mailboxes {imapserver}folder1 {imapserver}folder2

(or {imapserver}Mail/folder1 or so, depending on your IMAP server). mutt-1.0
doesn't do browsing, but if you can type the name you should be able to find
your folder.


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