On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 05:53:28PM +0100, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:

> One thing I find I keep wanting to do is consult other e-mails
> while composing an e-mail. Is there a neat way of doing this?

The only thing that I have been able to come up with is to returm
to the compose screen, press 'A' in the compose screen and then
from the special browser screen, pipe the mail you want to cat >>
/tmp/mutt-ms-[some number] But you have to remember the number
from the compose screen. There is some file completion. 

Mutt experts, is there some variable that will give me the name
of the file mutt created for my editor so I can reduce the key strokes
with a macro?

Greg Matheson                           The Internet from time
Chinmin College, Taiwan                 to time claims this 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  address does not exist

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