I've got a question about whether something is at all configurable without
hacking the source, either by option or part of the expression.  Take:

macro index <esc>g "!fetchmail\n" 'start/awaken fetchmail'

This executes perfectly...except for the annoying "press return to
continue" after it's done.  I have the same complaint when running urlview.  

HOWEVER...I can see having some programs with display on screen that you
don't want disappearing immediately until you do tell it to proceed.  

I tried tossing in an extra \n at the end (to have two back to back as
\n\n, hoping that the second would press the key for me), but not only did
that not work, but I got a key is not bound error after I manually resumed.

Ideas besides source hacking to make a prompted resume optional.


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