Fairlight [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> I've got a question about whether something is at all configurable without
> hacking the source, either by option or part of the expression.  Take:
> macro index <esc>g "!fetchmail\n" 'start/awaken fetchmail'
> This executes perfectly...except for the annoying "press return to
> continue" after it's done.  I have the same complaint when running urlview.  
> HOWEVER...I can see having some programs with display on screen that you
> don't want disappearing immediately until you do tell it to proceed.  
> ... 
> Ideas besides source hacking to make a prompted resume optional.

You really need to start RTFMing, or at least G[rep]TFMing.


Type: boolean
Default: set
Controls whether Mutt will ask you to press a key after shell-escape,
pipe-message, pipe-entry, print-message, and print-entry commands.  It is
also used when viewing attachments with autoview, provided that the
corresponding mailcap entry has a needsterminal flag, and the external
program is interactive.  When set, Mutt will always ask for a key. When
unset, Mutt will wait for a key only if the external command returned a
non-zero status.

Note the bit about the non-zero return status, as that's the operative
part.  I don't know if fetchmail returns 0 normally or not, as I don't have
it.  Urlview does.

If you only wanted this off for given macros, you could of course
unset/reset it in the macros themselves.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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