Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS dijo:
> Axel Tillequin:
> > > Mutt doesn't filter mail.  Try procmail.
> > > 
> > 
> > note:
> > If your MTA is exim (much simpler and as powerfull as sendmail)
> > then Procmail is not necessary. Look for "filtering mail"
> > in the exim doc...Actually you will just have to write a .forward file
> > with some special
> > commands in it like "if $header contains "gimp" then save ~/Mail/gimp
> > endif".
> Does procmail have any notable advantages over using exim as a mail
> filter?

Procmail is a mail filter program, while exim is an mail transport agent
with filtering capabilities.  I've never used exim for filtering, since
I imagine procmail does that job much better.  Besides, there are some
nice filtering recipes in procmail I couldn't possibly use with exim.

Be warned:

If your MTA is Exim, and use procmail for mail filtering, DO NOT add a
.foward file of this type:

"|IFS=' ' && p=/usr/local/bin/procmail && test -f $p && exec $p -Yf- ||

somehow it doesn't work with exim & procmail.  The IFS declaration
doesn't work here, and you'll loose mail.  Instead, use something like:

"|exec /usr/bin/procmail #your_login_name"

Or you can tell exim about procmail in /etc/exim.conf (no .forward file
needed here).


Valencia - ESPAÑA

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