David DeSimone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

> Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The problem here is that the default behaviour for mutt for the save
> > command (using the user's username from the email address) can not be
> > re-established in any way once you have specified a default save-hook
> > (save-hook .  +folder, or using ~A, or whatever).
> Is that true?  The manual lists the following expando:
>   %O  (_O_riginal save folder) Where mutt would formerly have stashed
>       the message:  list name or recipient name if no list
> It seems like a rule like this could be made to work:
>     save-hook . =%O

yes this is exactly what I need. You can define for example this:

folder-hook . 'save-hook .* =%O'
folder-hook +work 'save-hook .* =work-done'

so if you are in folder =work every save will be have default filename set to

btw which manual do you using ? http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/ ?
                              be smart,
                           don't be retard!

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