Making progress.  These settings:

set reverse_name

# if it's To: or CC: * or originating from the stuff folder,
# be From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and add a sig
# if it's not From: [EMAIL PROTECTED], nuke the sig and go back to normal From:
folder-hook =stuff 'set signature=~/.sig'
folder-hook =stuff 'my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

send-hook '~C stuff\.com' 'my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook '!~f troy@stuff\.com' 'my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook '~f troy@stuff\.com' 'set signature="~/.sig"'
send-hook '!~f troy@stuff\.com' 'set signature=""'

works nicely when replying to messages that were sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  At 
least, until I reply to a message that was sent to to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Then 
it won't use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of the mutt session.  It does
still evaluate the signature settings correctly though.  Suggestions?

FYI, if anyone cares, I was unable to make a hook 'unset signature' or 'set
hostname=""'.  Feature limitation or user error I don't know, but
the same hook worked triggered fine if I was doing 'set signature="~/.sig"'
or 'set realname="Me"'.  'set signature=""' also worked.



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