Hi all,

just half a year ago, I mentioned, if it would be possible, to change
the resent-from: Header.

Randall J. Million wrote about "Re: from-header and bounces .-(": 
> There is no way via variable or my_hdr that you can set the Resent-From
> header. I found the pice of code in the source and o not currently have
> the time to figure out enough about the rest of the code to make a patch
> that allows this "whoami" variable to be set. If any one has the time,
> this would be much appreciated, since it could remove the necessity for
> a "my_hdr From:" also.

I wonder, if it will be possible soon? maybe in the 'real' 1.0 ?

Or are there others, who may have a solution for that wish?

Michael Thies  

Schonbezüge sind immer noch besser als gar kein Gehalt!

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