Hello to all

>Mutt uses the timestamps on the folders (try "ls -l <foldername" and
>"ls -lu foldername" to see them) to figure out which folders have new
>mail.  If the modified time ("ls -l") is later than the access time
>("ls -lu"), then Mutt declares that the folder has new mail.  If the
>access time changes (i.e. some process somewhere reads the file) then
>Mutt declares the the mail is no longer "New" and does not show it to
>you anymore.

Hm yes. But I would be pleased, that mutt would also indiate on the
list of new mail (after start), 

-senders address

Do I have to understand, that these kind of features are not supported
by mutt ? I guess I mislaiden. 

What do I have to change in my .muttrc ?

Naturally the above applies also to the other mailfolders. I am running
procmail/fetchmail and sendmail.

Many thanks for your help.
                           / /  (_)____ __ ____  __
      Pieter Wenk         / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  Vevey/Switzerland
                         /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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