On ven, 12 nov 1999, Mikko Hänninen wrote:

Hello Mikko,

>p by default prints the message.  In other words, it calls up the print
>command defined in $print_command (default "lpr" according to the
>manual) with the message text to print in STDIN.  I believe the headers
>are formatted and weeded according to the normal Mutt header
>instructions, and possibly according to what you see on screen (so if
>have view full headers enabled, it would also print all of them) -- I
>don't know about the latter and didn't try it out.

This is what I have in .muttrc with regards to printing:

# Soll Mutt vor dem Drucken einer Mail nachfragen ?
set print=ask-yes

# Drucker - Kommandos
set print_command="a2ps -nn -ns -nH -p -1 -B -F10 -nL | lpr"

Now, normally I thought with "p" the printing should start ?

                           / /  (_)____ __ ____  __
      Pieter Wenk         / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  Vevey/Switzerland
                         /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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