In a gloomy night of Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 10:26:42AM -0000, these thoughts were sent 
throught the matrix...

-> Then MAKE it happen!  You are here, trying to push Mutt into conforming
-> to an ill-fitting standard, simply because that's all your ISP offers
-> you.  Why aren't you, instead, putting this same pressure on your ISP,
-> telling them that IMAP is what you need?  Why does Mutt have to bend
-> over backward for you?  You presumably pay money to your ISP; you should
-> get some decent service from them.

By the way you can get an IMAP account at
It works fine...and it's free :)
In certain cases i think that could be better than your provider.

-[ Proud member of SofTPj Team -         ]-
-[ Linux - PGP Key: see headers                                                   ]-
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