Adam Huffman [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Dec 1999, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> > Not quite.  Fetchmail cannot download only headers of oversized
> > messages, nor can it delete them.  I do not know a way to achieve this
> > in Linux short of telnetting to port 110.  (Or, for that matter, going
> > to work and using a Windows based mailer...  Offtopic: hasn't anyone
> > succeeded compiling a recent version of Mutt under CygWin?)
> > 
> There is a perl utility called Poppy which I've been using for this
> purpose for a long time.
> It's available in the /system/mail/pop directory of your local mirror
> of

Freshmeat has it too:

"Poppy is a small Perl script that will individually retrieve only the
headers of mail messages from a POP3 server and then allow you to view,
save, or delete each. This is especially good for systems with limited
resources, whether thats limited disk space, slow internet connect, or no
GUI's. It is also good for managing your POP3 mailbox when your normal mail
reader is setup not to delete mail off the POP3 server or is having
problems downloading large emails."

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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