on Fri, Dec 31, 1999 at 07:37:44AM -0600, J = "Jeremy Blosser" asserted:

J> Roland Rosenfeld [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:

J> > Open your eyes, there are normal users out there, which don't want or
J> > aren't allowed/able to use procmail and which communicate with Windows

nobody here can help those organizations or individuals who have chosen to 
limit themselves to "easy" software; all we can do is make sure that when 
they step into the light there's a sane alternative ;)

J> > users, which send out PGP without MIME headers but instead of this with
J> > vcards (multipart/mixed).  If you want Mutt to become widely used,

i don't believe that microsoft (or anybody) should be allowed to set *yet 
another* de-facto standard and force the rest of us to react to them.  do 
it right, let others screw up if they feel they need to.

J> The easier something gets to use for lusers, the more annoying it gets to
J> use for those of us that know what we are doing.  I would much rather Mutt
J> stay discriminating.

i should say "the easier something gets to *learn* for..."  there's a
difference between making software that's easy to use and software that's
easy to figure out.  i find mutt to be much easier to use than, for
example, either exchange or netscape mail; and i definitely find procmail
easier to use than the *&^%$#@!!!! mail sorting features of either of the
above-mentioned pieces of software, which required my constant intervention.

on the other hand, in order to use procmail you have to understand regular
expressions, which are viewed as incomprehensable to the general populace.
the thing to remember is that things which start out as incomprehensable to
the general populace can be picked up -- the net is a good example -- but
broken design stays broken however much you learn.

anyway, my $.02.

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