: The soul is greater than the hum of its parts........


I spent a happy half-hour building mutt-1.7.1i last night,(with ncurses) fired
it up in console mode - colours as usual - brilliant!

Trying it this morning in an x-term I'm reduced to mono.  Not a big problem but
I like the colours and they do make reading easier. Is there anything I need to tweak 
either in the system Muttrc or in the building process that I am overlooking.

I'm running Mutt on Mandrake Linux 6.1 (beautiful) - and my Mutt-1.0.1 rpm
supplied with that system does produce colours in an xterm, which suggests, on
reflection, that the trick is in the compiling, but where?

Can anyone help brighten my e-mail?


Glyn M.

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