Bevan Broun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > fetchmail doesn't require that either (I'm not sure if you were implying
> > that it did, or not).  And it can also be configured to use an
> > ssh-tunnel for the pop-retrieval.
> Yes I did think fetchmail required a local smtp, glad Im wrong. I
> might give it another look as it seems to be what most people are
> using.

I'm using fetchmail to call procmail directly. It works. But I am
aware of several outstanding bugs in the way fetchmail handles UIDs.
If you're leaving messages on the server and your network goes down
while fetchmail is polling the server, expect nasty things to happen,
like the list of UIDs being lost and masses of old duplicate messages
being delivered. Maybe I'll get round to rewriting the UID code one
day ... or maybe I'll be persuaded to use an alternative to fetchmail.


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