2000-03-01-22:09:44 Doug Wellington:
> Bennett provided a lot of good code to move files around, but I wonder
> if it wouldn't just be easier to use nmh's "packf" command to batch
> convert each of your MH style directories into single mbox style files
> and then deal with them that way...

If packf converts the MH into mbox, then you could use an
mbox2maildir script to finish the job. I attach the one I use.

Or you could probably hackup something cool around procmail's
formail program, which does really brainy splitting of mbox folders,
knows about Content-Length and all that creepy stuff.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Sys::Hostname;
use IO::File;

$0 = basename $0;
my($syntax) = "syntax: $0 mbox maildir\n";
die $syntax if $#ARGV != 1;
my($mbox, $maildir) = @ARGV;

die "$0: $mbox is not a file\n" unless -f $mbox;
die "$0: can't read $mbox\n" unless -r $mbox;
die "$0: can't open $mbox\n" unless my($fi) = IO::File->new("<$mbox");

-d $maildir or mkdir $maildir,0777 or die "$0: can't create $maildir: $!\n";
die "$0: cannot chdir $maildir\n" unless chdir $maildir;

for (qw(tmp new cur)) {
        -d $_ or mkdir $_,0700 or die "$0: can't create $maildir/$_: $!\n";

my($time) = time;
my($pid) = 10;
my($hostname) = hostname;
line: while ($_ = $fi->getline) {
        if (/^From /) {
                if (defined $msg and defined $fo) {
                        $fo->close or die;
                        if (-s  "tmp/$msg") {
                                rename "tmp/$msg", "new/$msg" or die;
                        } else {
                                unlink "tmp/$msg" or die;
                $msg = join '.', $time, $pid++, $hostname;
                die if -f "tmp/$msg";
                $fo = IO::File->new(">tmp/$msg") or
                        die "$0: can't open $maildir/tmp/$msg: $!\n";
                next line;
if (defined $msg and defined $fo) {
        $fo->close or die;
        if (-s  "tmp/$msg") {
                rename "tmp/$msg", "new/$msg" or die;
        } else {
                unlink "tmp/$msg" or die;

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