On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 12:08:42AM +0200, Andrew W. Nosenko wrote:
> Drew Bloechl wrote:
> : In my .muttrc I have:
> : 
> : set folder_format="%3C %N %-32.32f %-16.16d %s"
> : 
> : However, the space with the %N is always blank when I do 'c' and '?' 
> : to browse mailboxes.  Is there something special I have to do to get 
> : this to work?  FWIW I'm delivering mail into these folders with 
> : procmail.  
> Your incomming mailbox (mailboxes) is placed on NFS-mounted file system?
> Try --enable-buffy-size in configure-time.

Nope.  Local disk.  ~/Mail.

Drew Bloechl

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