* Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000317 09:11]:
> Terje Elde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 16 Mar 2000:
> > The problem is that what I need is more or less to enable the send-hook
> > matching only if I'm in a spesific folder, or writing a email from a
> > spesific address.
> Well, you have two different situations here:
> You can't match in a send-hook the From address (that I know of),
> because it's possible to *set* the From address with a send-hook.
> So if you're using $reverse_name, then you're a bit out of luck.
> If you're using a send-hook to set the From: header, then you could
> simply use the same hook to set also your signature.

This solves the problem with the mailing list, as that's in it's own
folder, but it does not solve the problem with the rest of the mails,
which go to my default inbox, and get handled by $reverse_name.

> It's a pity that there isn't a "folder match" operator for patterns,
> IMHO that would help with many of these cases.  I wonder how difficult
> that would be to add...

If you know the mutt code, it should not be that hard. Few late nights
perhaps (then some debugging and a few more nights ;)

> The other situation is when you're in a specific folder.  In that case,
> you could make creative use of the new "unhook" command to clear/load
> your send-hooks based on the folder you're in (with folder-hooks).  I
> see you're already using 1.1.9 so you don't even need to upgrade to get
> this feature working. :-)


> So, here's my wish list for making send-hooks more useful and able to
> cope with more situations:
> - the "original message match" pattern operator, as proposed by someone
> (I forget who) -- better than having "reply-hooks", with these it would
> be possible to do things based on the contents of the *original* message
> which is being replied to

Would make mutt the REALLY intelligent mailer :)

> - a folder-matching pattern operator, would be useful in save-hooks at
> least, in addition to send-hooks


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