Hello, I asked about this problem some time ago, but I will dare to ask it again, since it still frustrates me, and I still have no answer. I have a few different signatures, if I am sending to a Dutch address I use a Dutch one, otherwise an English one. But for certain people (like my son) I try to use a less formal one. The relevant rules look as follows:
send-hook . 'set signature="~/Mutt/.signature"' send-hook "simono@zonnet\.nl" 'set signature="~/Mutt/.signature.simon"' send-hook "\.nl" 'set signature="~/Mutt/.signature.nl"' Now it is my understanding that the first hook that matches should be the one used. So if I send to simono, it should use the signature for that. However simono's address has .nl in it's domain part and mutt always uses this signature instead of the one for "simono". -- Regards Cliff