hi. i am having the following problem for a long time
and still found no solution.

******* my ~/.muttrc
set record=+outgocopy

mailboxes =lart
mailboxes =alsa-user
mailboxes =mbox
mailboxes =accu
mailboxes =oldaddress
# i cut out most for privacy reasons. it's 22 mailboxes i have listed here.
****** snap

****** my ~/.forward
****** snap

****** my ~/.procmailrc

* pop.xxxxxxxx.de


# i cut out most for privacy reasons. it's 22 mailboxes i have listed here.
****** snap

****** my crontab
erik@vulcain:~ > crontab -l
0-59/20 * * * * $HOME/scripts/cronedfetchmail
****** snap

the cronedfetchmail does fetchmail -s

****** my .fetchmailrc
poll thehost proto pop3 user myuser password secret3 mda "formail -s procmail"
poll thehost proto pop3 user myuser2 password secret2 mda "formail -s procmail"
poll theotherhost proto pop3 user myuser3 password secret mda "formail -s procmail"
****** snap

my MTA is exim.
but in the end everything is delivered into procmail.
only procmail and mutt are working on ~/Mail

i always use mutt -y
there i see a list.
mails can have a "N" mark if they are new.

The problem ist that _very often but not always_ there is no N mark
even though there are new mails inside.
there is never an N mark without new mails inside.

the mutt documentation sais

Note: new mail is detected by comparing the last modification
      time to the last access time. Utilities like biff or frm
      or any other program which accesses the mailbox might cause Mutt to
      never detect new mail for that mailbox if they do not properly
      reset the access time. 

i do not use KDE or GNOME or any other stuff, no biff and nothing.

what way to go ?
it is pretty shitty to check all 20 folders each time only cause i am
not sure if they are really not new.

i am not using NFS for anything. everything is my local e2fs.
my mailbox files are in good old standard folder format.

i am asking for

a) an option in mutt that always checks for new mail via opening the file
   and looking inside. this is for all people that cannot live
   without those stupid other tools that behave incorrectly.
   and for those people that don't mind the slower performance.
   this option could be made the default.
   then people that feel too slowly about mutt can use the extra
   performance option to look not into the folder but examine it's
   access time only.
   and for all others the problems are just fixed.

b) give me a clue how to find my enemy so that i can create a bugreport
   for that enemy and not for mutt.

c) something else ;)

help :-)

Name:  Erik Thiele                                       \\\\
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                o `QQ'_
IRC:   erikyyy                                            /   __8
WWW:   http://www.erikyyy.de/                             '  `

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