On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 03:34:14PM +0100, Gero Treuner wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 01:46:11PM +0100, Erik Thiele wrote:
> > c) something else ;)
> Is this manual enhancement something for you?

oh my god !
at first i wanted to laugh
but now i remember that i am doing a automated
cp of my whole home directory each midnight !
yes your documentation addon is definitly worth it !

but wait.
i am using cp -a
it doesn't change access times....
oh my. it does change them. i tested it.

so i guess i should copy my files with    tar cpf -|tar xpf -
yes. this works. (also tested)

OFFTOPIC: isn't this a racing condition in tar:
  1. read access time of file
  2. copy file
  3. set the access time of the file back to its original.
  what if someone else changes the accesstime while step 2 is running ;)

mmmh. thanks for finally fixing this ultra frustrating problem for me ;)

i am sad that this cannot be REALLY fixed...
what if a user with 20 folders (like me)
but only some of them get mail regularly,
gets a mail in one of those once in a year folders
does a (wrong) backup of his Mails
and won't EVER notice his new mail ?

therefor i wrote a script. i'll send it in half an hour or so
since not yet completely finished


Name:  Erik Thiele                                       \\\\
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                o `QQ'_
IRC:   erikyyy                                            /   __8
WWW:   http://www.erikyyy.de/                             '  `

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