You should be able to get into your local home directory by starting
your attachment name with "~/". This is what I regularly
do. I think this happens when you set $folder to a remote path - we
don't currently have split remote/local current directories, just
"current directory".

Maybe we should just start out in local cwd (I hadn't worried about
it). In that case we probably just need a minor tweak in
mutt_enter_string or mutt_complete - I can take a look...

On Thursday, 23 March 2000 at 10:47, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> Sounds like a problem with the browser...  However, typing
> in a local directory and pressing <tab> twice should help.
> On 2000-03-23 01:21:01 -0600, Ben Beuchler wrote:
> > I use mutt 1.1.9i at work to connect via IMAP to a
> > server at home.  If I attempt to attach a file, it only
> > finds files on the IMAP server instead of in my home
> > directory on the machine from which I am running mutt.
> > So, I usually end up scp-ing the file over to my mail
> > server and attaching it to the message from there.
> > Did I screw something up or did I find a bug?
> -- 

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