Now that I seem to have the basics of mutt working with the Courier
IMAP server I have some more questions/comments about how mutt works
with IMAP.

1 - I have the following in my muttrc file:-
    set folder={}
    set spoolfile={}inbox

    A 'c' followed by a !' takes me to the inbox as one would expect,
    however if I go down the hierarchy from inbox (which is where
    Courier IMAP keeps its sub-folders) then I can't navigate back up
    for some reason.  E.g. if I enter a 'c' and then select INBOX.
    I get to a display as follows:-
    ->  1     IMAP                                ../  
        2     IMAP                                Trash 
        3     IMAP                                friends
        4     IMAP                                isbd   
        5     IMAP                                sam 
        6     IMAP                                subdir.
        7     IMAP                                test   

    But selecting the .. just produces the same display again, it
    doesn't take me back up to INBOX.  Entering the full name of the
    INBOX or ! works OK.

    Is this a problem with mutt, Courier IMAP, or my configuration?

2 - I'm really confused by that subdir. in the above list.  I created
    it by hitting 'N' after saving a message.  The folder name I
    entered was {}INBOX.subdir.david.  When viewed
    remotely this appears as expected, a folder david can be found in
    subdir.  However on the server system itself there is actually a
    maildir directory called ~/Mail/inbox/subdir.david.  I suppose
    this is just a quirk of the way that Courier IMAP works but it's
    confusing to say the least.

    Navigating up from the subdir folder using .. *does* work by the

3 - Is there any way to get mutt in *non-IMAP* mode to 'see'
    maildir directories starting with a '.'?  This would allow mutt
    running locally here to share the Courier IMAP maildirs (which is
    what I really want to do).  I suppose I could get the local mutt
    to connect to the IMAP server, that would solve the problem.  The
    only problem then is to get maildrop or procmail to deliver
    messages to the Courier IMAP style maildirs.


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