On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 10:12:26PM +0200, Jan Houtsma wrote:
> Now for the sequence of events that make mutt go wild:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 1)  In my own X-session my wife starts xterm (which is of course 
>     owned by my id) and in that xterm she runs the script 'caroline' 
>     and logs into her own account.
> 2)  Then she starts mutt.
> 3)  Then she kills the xterm with the cross button!!
> Now xterm window terminates but mutt keeps running like crazy (88% cpu)!!!
> Note that it's something related to mutt. When she starts pine or elm
> this does NOT happen at all and everything is nicely deleted from the 
> process list.
> Another wierd thing.... It ONLY happens if i run the 'su - caroline' 
> via that script! If i start an xterm and manually run the 'su - caroline'
> and then mutt, all IS nicely deleted after killingthe xterm.

I've got a similair problem.  Eterm + `su -' + Midnight Commander = 100%
CPU usage after closing the window.  But this only happens sometimes.
Sometimes it dies in a couple of seconds, and sometimes it just runs
until I kill it.  (BTW, I run su - directly (`Eterm -e su -' is bound to
a hot key in my IceWM keys file)).

The only common thing between your problem and mine seems to be `su'.
BTW, do you have mutt compiled with slang?  That would be another common
thing since that's what mc uses.

Marius Gedminas
Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
                -- D.E. Knuth

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