On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:18:20AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Jan Houtsma proclaimed on mutt-users that: 
> >3)  Then she kills the xterm with the cross button!!
> Simple thing - quit mutt first, before killing your XTerm :)  Or else,
> there is always kill -9 `pidof(mutt)` :)
Sure, thats what i always do, but you can never rely on other
peoples behaviour can you? People just tend to quickly kill the whole
window, no matter what. And besides, that simply should work.

> >Now in that script i changed the 'su - caroline' into 
> >'rlogin -l caroline localhost' which works fine.
> >I cant get a grip on why mutt is getting wild..?!?
> Definitely not mutt's fault :)
Why are you sooo sure? Cause when i run pine or elm instead of
mutt i don't have this problem. Can you explain that then??? :-))


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