...and then Hall Stevenson said...
% Error in /home/hall/.muttrc, line 18: <0: invalid value
% source: errors in /home/hall/.muttrc
% Press any key to continue
% This is the "guilty" line:
% set sendmail_wait=<0
% Perfectly valid, I thought. Worked fine with 1.0.x. And even the
% Muttrc file shows it as an option.

>> Hall, you've already seen the answer to this, but it's "the value
must be
>> numeric, not descriptive".

>> Mutt folks, is this any tougher to fix than the attached patch?  We
>> hearing this question (no, Hall, you're not alone!), so it seems that
>> manual needs a little clarification...

Thanks, David. I'm always relieved when I find I'm not the only one with
a certain problem !! At least I know it's not something that *I* did


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