I've noticed recently that when I'm looking at mutt's index, and I do a
'reload .muttrc', suddenly the parentheses around the number-of-lines field
disappear.  Also, a zero gets added to the date field just-to-the-left-of
the number representing days of the month consisting of a single digit.

In other words, the index goes from looking like this:

 20 r T 05/ 9   [EMAIL PROTECTED]         ( 50) Re: Receipt for payment
 21  s  05/ 9   Thomas Roessler      ( 85) [Announce] mutt-1.2 is out.
 22 r + 05/ 9   Teddi Longardt       ( 10) Thank you!
 23   F 05/ 9   Russell Hoover       ( 21) Panix's Message of the Day

to looking like this:

 20 r T 05/09   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           50  Re: Receipt for payment
 21  s  05/09   Thomas Roessler        85  [Announce] mutt-1.2 is out.
 22 r + 05/09   Teddi Longardt         10  Thank you!
 23   F 05/09   Russell Hoover         21  Panix's Message of the Day

If I change folders (or even 'change' into the same folder), the parens and
zeros are re-added.  I much prefer the display *without* the parens (less
cluttered) and *with* the zeros -- the display I get when do the I 're-load

My question to the list is:  How can I get the preferred display to show at
all times, not just when I reload muttrc?

I have 'reload .muttrc' mapped to ESCAPE-e:

# Reload the .muttrc with ESC e:
macro  index    \ee   ":source ~/.muttrc\n"    "\"ESC e\" reloads the muttrc"
macro  pager    \ee   ":source ~/.muttrc\n"    "\"ESC e\" reloads the muttrc"

and index_format set so:

# Format of the lines in the index:
  set  index_format="%3C %Z %[%m/%d]   %-20.20n  %3l  %s"

The zeros in the date (or lack thereof) would seem to have to do with
the strftime on my system, but the strftime man says:

%d    is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].

In other words the manpage assumes that the leading zero is always already

I'm using mutt-1.2i, S-Lang 1.4.1, procmail-3.14 and zsh-3.0.7 on NetBSD 1.4.2_ALPHA.

Any takers?

[panix6:~] mutt -v
r4 Sunday 000521 07:25:24
Mutt 1.2i (2000-05-09)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: NetBSD 1.4.2_ALPHA [using slang 10401]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
To report a bug, please use the muttbug utility.

                                 // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //

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