Hi all,

I use mutt 1.2i now. Everything is working just fine, as mutt
always does :)
Anyway, some things are different. Normally when i wish
to sign a message with pgp or completly encrypt a message
then it asks for the key id for that adress.
Normally, when i type a name its good enough, or just pressing
enter gives a list of possible keys to use.
However, in 1.2i that doesnt go anymore :(
I cant type a name anymore and i also cant get a list by pressing
enter. ctrl-c is the only way to get out of the question
for keyid then.
How can i configure mutt so that it works like it did?


ps due to some problems the ibbnet.org domain didnt exist anymore.
Its fixed now, but before all dns'ses know it again it can take some time.
If anyone answers directly, you could try [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or try if [EMAIL PROTECTED] is working allrdy.

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