On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 12:59:19AM +0200, Mipam wrote:
> Anyway, some things are different. Normally when i wish
> to sign a message with pgp or completly encrypt a message
> then it asks for the key id for that adress.
> Normally, when i type a name its good enough, or just pressing
> enter gives a list of possible keys to use.
> However, in 1.2i that doesnt go anymore :(

I heard a rumor that "pgpring", coming with mutt, is required for
that purpose. Please read the file "PGP-Notes.txt" of the distribution.

> I cant type a name anymore and i also cant get a list by pressing
> enter. ctrl-c is the only way to get out of the question
> for keyid then.

Mutt prompts can be aborted with ^G .


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