Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 23 May 2000:
> I'm having a problem understanding why some messages are threaded as
> they are.  It seems incorrect to me, but it's probably some subtlety I
> don't understand.

Right...  Okay, I *think* I understand what is going on, let's see if I
can explain it.  There's one assumption in the below which I'm not sure

>     1001:
>     Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 07:33:38 EDT
>     Subject: Re: Mapping problem

I think the root of the problem is here.  The date isn't properly
formatted, instead of having the timezone in the +/-NNNN formatting
(like in the rest of the messages), the timezone is represented as
"EDT".  I *think*, but am not sure, that Mutt doesn't understand
what this means (-0400 I think).  So Mutt treats the time of this
message like it was in GMT...

When Mutt does threading, it pays attention to the message times.
A message that has been sent before another message logically cannot
be a reply to that message, right?  (I guess this check only applies
for subject-based threading, it might be ignored for

So this email is the first (according to date) with this subject.  So
every other email must be a reply to it, or part of some thread.

>     1003:
>     Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 12:56:48 +0100
>     Subject: Mapping problem

This message, the original question, doesn't start with the Re: prefix.
Because you have $sort_re set, Mutt doesn't put it together with the
other messages in the same thread.

I'm not sure about all these issues, so I'm making a few guesses...
However this would explain Mutt's behaviour.  You can at least check
whether Mutt understands the EDT timezone by sorting by date-sent,
since in that case the messages should sort in the same order as in
which they were recaived, IF the "EDT" timezone is interpreted
correctly.  If it isn't, then the "EDT" message will be first.

I hope this explains the situation to you.

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /

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