On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 07:23:30PM -0500, Corey G. wrote:
> I must be slow or something but here is 6.3.6 from the documentation.
> It only states addresses as alternates.  I really do not want to debate
> what the definition of an "alternate" is but it's the same as
> an "alternative" or not the original. Thus, not the original which would
> be referring to your original or real email address.  By reading this it
> would indicate that a user would set "$alternates" for alternative
> addresses and not your primary address.

As far as I know this only applies to 1.1 and greater, but you are
using 1.2, so it should be valid:

If you only have one address, i.e. the one you have set $from to (you
have set $from and $realname, right?), then you do not need to set
$alternates.  You only need to set $alternates when you get e-mail at
alternate addresses, other than the one set in $from.  Hence the name

> Section 6.4.49 is irrevelant because I have "my_hdr" set and it did not
> matter in this situation.  $alternates had to be set to work correctly.

Mutt is not able to interpret every my_hdr you have set up (maybe
inside of hooks, etc.) to try to guess what other e-mail addresses are
you, besides your $from setting.  $alternates exists to make up for
the fact that mutt is not (and realistically cannot be) that smart,
and because not every address you might receive mail at is necessarily
going to be listed in a my_hdr.

IMNSHO $alternates is correctly named, and the existing documentation
is correct, as far as it goes.  The only possible documentation change
I can see might be a clarification on this specific point (my_hdrs
being cosmetic only) so that future users don't make the same
assumptions, get confused and annoyed, and then blame the docs for not
being explicit enough (which, granted, they apparently weren't, or you
wouldn't have needed to ask the question in the first place).

I would suggest an additional sentence to be tacked onto the end of
the existing $alternates entry, along the lines of, 'Note that if you
use "my_hdr From: ...", you will need to specify that address in
$alternates in order for Mutt to recognize that you are the sender
that message," but that sentence needs a little work, and then I'd
have to untar the original sources and create a patch, and submit the
patch to mutt-dev, and I'm supposed to be leaving on vacation in a few
hours. ;)


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