> Tom Gilbert:

> Not entirely what you're after here, but may be of use to you... I find
> the default folder navigation painful too, so I wrote some cursor-key
> navigation macros to make life better. Try these out?
> bind  pager   <up>     previous-line
> bind  pager   <down>   next-line

up, down, and-so-on...

dear mr. gilbert sir, we took the liberty of doing as advised.

>             .------------------------------------------------------.
>     .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk    |
>     /V\     |----------------------| [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
>    // \\    | Sites I recommend:   `-------------------------------|
>   /(   )\   | www.freshmeat.net www.enlightenment.org slashdot.org |
>    ^^-^^    `------------------------------------ vim: set tw=72: -'

also stored your signature in our =ascii-art.

clemens                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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