On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 12:51:09AM +0000, Tom Gilbert wrote:
-> * Jacob Davies ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
-> > in my .muttrc. They all work OK, but the interface for dealing with multiple
-> > mailboxes in mutt doesn't seem that great. As I understand it, I will get
-> > notification that I have new mail when it arrives in any of those mailboxes,
-> > and in order to get to my next piece of new mail in any mailbox I have to
-> > hit "c" to change mailboxes, hit Return, and hit Tab. If I want to pick
-> > an arbitrary mailbox I need to hit "c", "?" to pick from a list.
-> Not entirely what you're after here, but may be of use to you... I find
-> the default folder navigation painful too, so I wrote some cursor-key
-> navigation macros to make life better. Try these out?
-> bind pager <up> previous-line
-> bind pager <down> next-line
-> bind pager <left> exit
-> bind pager <right> view-attachments
-> bind attach <left> exit
-> bind attach <right> view-attach
-> bind index <right> display-message
-> macro index <left> "c?"
-> bind browser <right> select-entry
-> bind browser <left> exit
-> It makes life much simpler IMO, and best of all, it's one-handed ;-)
Cool! Thank you, sir. Makes mutt much easier to use. A candidate for
inclusion with the distributuion.
-- C^2
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