[EMAIL PROTECTED] proclaimed on mutt-users that: 

># "Smart" relay host (may be null)

OK so far.

>But that's not all. As you have a dialup workstation, each time you connect to your 
>ISP, your IP address will change. 
>So, you have to tell Sendmail you official domain name. In order to give a correct 
>domain name, you have to know your ip address.

Sendmail will take care of that ... and set your domain name in .muttrc as
well, to avoid HELOing as localhost.localdomain (or whatever).

>HOST=`/usr/local/bin/gethost $4`
>sed s/'#Dj.*'/"Dj$HOST"/ /etc/sendmail.cf.base >/etc/sendmail.cf
>kill -1 `head -1 /var/run/sendmail.pid`
>/usr/sbin/sendmail -q&


Here's what I use on a standard dialup (redhat 6.1 running sendmail 8.10) 
on my home box. 

DS my.isps.smtp.server  # if just an ip, make it DS [ip.ad.dr.ess]
0 Set HoldExpensive=True  # Make sendmail queue mails when offline

That way, you don't even have to set sendmail_wait=-1 in .muttrc (which
also works, btw).

>   which aim is to restart sendmail with the correct properties.

Why do you want to restart sendmail all the time, for $deity's sake?

>That's all folks :)

^^^^^ That's all folks ;)


http://www.mail-abuse.org/dul/gateways.htm (tells you to modify a coupla
m4 rulesets and rebuild sendmail.cf - yet another rube goldberg thing)

Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at staff.juno.com
Captain Penny's Law:
        You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of
        the people all of the time, but you Can't Fool Mom.

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