
> > However, when I start mutt I get an error telling me that
> > /var/spool/mail/tjg is not a mailbox.
> <...>
> Specifically, when fetchmail hands off to procmail, fetchmail is
> expecting to hand off to an MTA (like sendmail, postfix, qmail) and
> procmail is expecting to receive something from an MTA.  So the
> envelope stuff isn't getting put in anywhere.

That's right. Fetchmail hands the mail over to the MTA (sendmail,...), that
looks in $HOME/.forward and pipes the mail trough procmail (assuming yuo have
"|procmail" written in your $HOME/.forward). Procmail processes these mails (it
appends the msg to the appropriate folder.

It seems as if your folder is corrupted. If you have mbox-folders, then you can
check and repair it with vi. Open the file and look if every msg starts with
"From " (w a space behind). Maybe you should make a copy of your folder and
delete the first msg (until the next line starting with "From " after an empty

Good luck!

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Eli and Bessie went to sleep.
In the middle of the night, Bessie nudged Eli.
        "Please be so kindly and close the window.  It's cold outside!"
Half asleep, Eli murmured,
        "Nu ... so if I'll close the window, will it be warm outside?"

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