Date: Wed, Jun 07 16:12
Quoting Yip Weng ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> By default, my .muttrc collapses all threads. I find it difficult to
> distinguish between (i) mail with underlying threads, and (ii)
> singular mail.
Try something like this in your .muttrc:
set index_format="%3C %Z %[%a, %b %e %H:%M] %-15.15F %?M?(#%3M)&(%4c)? %s"
The key part is '%?M?(#%3M)&(%4c)?'. This will show up like this in the
8 Tue, May 9 11:42 Thomas Roessler (1.4k) [Announce] mutt-1.2 is out.
9 Wed, Jun 7 12:12 Yip Weng (# 2) How to discern underlying threads
That is, collapsed thread will have (# NUM) in them.