This worked out wonderful. I wonder though, when I replied to a message,
it did use mutt fine, but all the headers from slrn news file went into
the reply. Is their a way to filter this out?

Also what feature of mutt can be used? It looked like it just used mutt
to deliver, is this correct?

On Sat, Jun 10, 2000 at 10:28:54PM +0200, Wilhelm Wienemann muttered:
| Hello Jason!
| On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:
| > On Sat, Jun 10, 2000 at 07:36:50AM +0200, Wilhelm Wienemann muttered:
| > This is wonderful, but I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to
| > scripting and whatnot. Is the first part of this a patch?
| No, it's a macro-file. On my box I've all my macros in the
| $HOME/.slrn directory and here it is called
| To load (interpret) it with my $HOME/.slrnrc file I have to
| add a line like
| interpret ".slrn/"
| -----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
| %
| % replacement forward and reply functions for slrn.
| % these will drop you to your normal mail user agent.
| %
| variable mua_script="/usr/local/bin/";
| define my_reply_to_article ()
| {
|   pipe_article (Sprintf ("%s -reply", mua_script, 1));
| }
| define my_forward_article ()
| {
|   pipe_article (Sprintf ("%s -forward", mua_script, 1));
| }
| definekey ("my_reply_to_article", "r", "article");
| definekey ("my_forward_article", "F", "article");
| ---------------------------------------------------------
| > How would I go about exectuing all of this...?
| The following shell script wrapper is located as 
| in the directory /usr/local/bin/ 
| -----------------------------------------------------------
| #!/bin/sh --
| #
| # A small script which is used to reply to or forward an
| # article from within slrn.
| #
| # The article is expected to come on stdin, while $1 is either
| # -reply or -forward.
| #
| # where is mutt located?
| MUTT=/usr/bin/mutt
| # where is formail?
| FORMAIL=/usr/bin/formail
| TMPDIR=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/`basename $0`.$$
| mkdir -m 0700 $TMPDIR || { echo "can't create $TMPDIR!" >& 2 ; exit ; }
| trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR; trap '' 0; exit" 0 1 2 3 4
| cat > $TMPDIR/article
| # get various headers
| SUBJECT="`formail -z -x Subject: < $TMPDIR/article`"
| DATE="`formail -z -x Date: < $TMPDIR/article`"
| FROM="`formail -z -x From: < $TMPDIR/article`"
| REPLY_TO="`formail -z -x Reply-To: < $TMPDIR/article`"
| MESSAGE_ID="`formail -z -x Message-ID: < $TMPDIR/article`"
| REFERENCES="`formail -z -x References: < $TMPDIR/article`"
| exec > $TMPDIR/template
| #
| # functions
| #
| prepare_reply () {
|     if [ -n "$REPLY_TO" ] ; then
|         echo "To: $REPLY_TO"
|     else
|         echo "To: $FROM"
|     fi
|     if [ -n "$MESSAGE_ID" ] ; then
|         echo "In-Reply-To: $MESSAGE_ID"
|         echo "References: $REFERENCES $MESSAGE_ID"
|     fi
|     echo -n "Subject: "
|     if [ -z "$SUBJECT" ] ; then
|         echo "Re: your mail"
|     else
|         echo -n "Re: "
|         echo "$SUBJECT" | sed -e 's/^Re: *//'
|     fi
|     echo
|     echo "On $DATE, $FROM wrote:" | fmt
|     sed -e 's/^/> /' $TMPDIR/article
| }
| prepare_forward () {
|     echo "Subject: Fwd: $SUBJECT"
|     echo
|     echo "----- Forwarded message -----"
|     cat $TMPDIR/article
|     echo
|     echo "---- End forwarded message-----"
| }
| #
| # main
| #
| case "$1" in
|     -reply)
|         prepare_reply
|         ;;
|     -forward)
|         prepare_forward
|         ;;
|     *)
|         echo "usage: `basename $0` {-reply|-forward}" >& 2
|         exit 1
|         ;;
| esac
| exec > /dev/tty
| $MUTT -H $TMPDIR/template < /dev/tty
| -----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
| Note: The Shell-script needs the executable permissions for
|         its users. This is usually done by a 'chmod -v 755'
|         as root in the destination directory. 
| Now every time you use a 'r' to do a reply or a 'F' to do a
| forwarding in slrn it will use 'mutt'.
| Enjoy it! :-))
| bye - Wilhelm
| -- 
| -- _ _          __  __ Wilhelm Wienemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| | (_)_ __  _   _\ \/ /   -> For a better taste - Linux Inside
| | | | '_ \| | | |\  /    -> Blue screens for Linux background only
| | | | | | | |_| |/  \    -> Enjoy Linux and the Power of Open Source
| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ Registered-Linux-User: 70712


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