On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 07:29:31PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Tim Danner wrote:
> > I read mail with mutt when I'm local, and IMAP when I'm away. The IMAP stuff
> > creates messages with the subject "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER
> > INTERNAL DATA". When reading with mutt, I'd like these to be hidden. Is there
> > a facility for not displaying messages meeting some pattern?
> Simple - add this to your muttrc
> folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA')\n*\""
> by the way, the reason I'm using PINE (spit) to write this was that this
> folder hook hid _your_ mail :)  That's the reason I've munged your subject
> a bit.

Couldn't you use regexps to match a little bit more exactly?  Like this:
folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA$')\n*\""

That is the end of the subject line, right?

BTW, thanks for this-- I plan to add it to my muttrc. 


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