Hi all,

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Ronny Haryanto wrote:

> On 18-Jun-2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > In my .muttrc, I've put a line in the way to set my editor:
> > set editor="vi -c 'set wrap' -c 'set textwidth=0' -c 'set linebreak'"
> I personally separate my vimrc for general editing and for mail
> editing. Hence in mutt I put:
> set editor = "vi -u ~/.vimrc-mutt"
> And in ~/.vimrc-mutt I put:
>       source ~/.vimrc
>       set textwidth=70
>       set ts=8 sw=8 sts=0
>       "del sig
>       au BufRead * normal :g/^> -- $/,/^$/-1d

It's even easier to source ~/.vimrc-mutt:
include this line in your ~/.vimrc

        au BufRead /tmp/mutt*  source $HOME/.vimrc-mutt

and change your entry in ~/.muttrc to

        set editor="vim +/^$/ %s"

("+/^$/" brings your cursor to the first line after the mail header--
that's only usefull, if you have "set edit_headers" in ~/.muttrc)

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany

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