Hello Dirk!

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Dirk Ruediger wrote:

> I want to define an implicite send-hook for all mailing lists I am
> subscribed to and define a special attribution, use special signatures
> and something like that.
> Is it possible to process the entries of "subscribe" or "lists" to use
> it for send-hook, e.g.:
>   send-hook ($subsribe) 'set attribution="Hi all!,\n"'

Maybe you will try this on your box:

-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -
# only match "To" address for send-hooks:
set default_hook="~t %s"

# First we define some defaults (english):
send-hook . \
    "set signature=~/.Sig \
         locale=C \
         attribution='Hello %v!\n\nOn %{%a, %d %b %Y}, %n wrote:\n'"
                 # On Mon, 16 Jun 2000, Dirk Ruediger wrote:

# German specials:
    "set signature=~/.signature \
         locale=de_DE \
         attribution='Hallo %v!\n\n%n schrieb am %{%A, %d. %B %Y}:\n'"
                 # Dirk Ruediger schrieb am Montag, 16. Juni 2000: 

# Special signature/attribution/locale for robots:
send-hook ^(majordomo|pgp|gup|mail2news)|request@
    'set signature="" attribution="" locale="C"'

-----------------------> cut here <------------------------ -

bye - Wilhelm

 _    _                ___   ___   _ ___ 
| |  (_)_ _ _  ___ __ |_  ) |_  ) / | __|  ...solutions  for smart penguins
| |__| | ' \ || \ \ /  / / _ / / _| |__ \  
|____|_|_||_\_,_/_\_\ /___(_)___(_)_|___/  >>>  Wilhelm Wienemann  <<<

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