On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 02:02:43PM -0400, Ken W wrote:

> They are both set to vt100, if that is what you mean.  Also what I
> forgot to say is that mutt exits on the one machine like I said, but
> vim exits still showing part of the editor.  That is why I thought it
> had to do with mutt.

vim allows the user to override the system's termcap settings, so you
probably have the following in a vimrc somewhere.

    set t_ti= t_te=

For more information, execute ':help xterm-screens' and search for
'NOTE 2'.  The '[no]restorescreen' option also affects this, but I've
never tried that.

So, it could have had to do with mutt if mutt's developers had chosen to
allow for overriding the termcap settings as vim's developer did.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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